Photo Caption: Thanks for all your help with the Food Drive!
Dear Our Lady of Peace Family:
As of the close of the day on December 4 we will have been in school 65 days with 110 days remaining. Given all that has transpired since last March I feel that this is an impressive feat. Given the fact that our neighbors’ children in Columbus Public schools have not been in a classroom since March 13 I feel that we need to applaud our teachers and staff for what they have done this school year to keep live and in-person education going for your children.
While talk of a vaccine becomes more prevalent and closer at hand we also hear about a continual rise in cases all over Ohio and in particular Franklin County and the city of Columbus. Many schools, including some Catholic schools, are taking time away from live instruction to go virtual for days or even weeks. Other schools are taking wellness days to give students and teachers a break from the stress of learning in this pandemic.
I cannot and will not judge any other school or district for any decisions that they are making. I have enough on my plate trying to run our little school to analyze or comment on what anyone else is doing. But I thought I would take a moment to let you know where I stand with regards to moving forward through these last two week of 2020 and into the winter months of 2021.
The research about this pandemic as regards to school is becoming increasingly clear. Live and in-person education is more effective than on line, although on-line is certainly preferable to no education at all. The research is also indicating that of all the ways in which the virus continues to spread to the point of where we are today, elementary school settings, with the use of mandatory masking and social distancing whenever possible, is relatively safe. In addition to these steps, the great cooperation of parents keeping children home when they are sick and quaranting them when they have been exposed to the virus has been a tremendous help in contributing to the very low number of cases that we have had during this school year.
And so, our plan, quite simply is to continue to open our doors each morning barring a snow day, and finish the year with 175 days of in-person learning for our students.
However, we monitor the situation each day and make adjustments where necessary. One change that we have made is that for the present time, students in Kindergarten, grades 1 and 2 will not be attending weekly Mass. In addition only our seventh and eighth graders will be going to Mass on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception next Tuesday. We feel that it is important that our parishioners feel comfortable and safe in coming to church and we are all still under dispensation from our Sunday obligation.
Of course, we cannot open those door without the dedication and good health of our wonderful teachers and staff. Although we have a few excellent substitute teachers willing to come in during this time, if we have staff unable to report to work because of quarantine or illness to the extent that we can’t cover their absence we would have to go virtual, hopefully only on a short-term basis.
I cannot express loudly and enthusiastically enough the job that these remarkable men and women are doing on a daily basis with and for your children. I hope that you will join me in letting them know how much they are appreciated.
The bottom line is that if your children can’t go to school many of you can’t go to work. Even if you are still working from home you remember from the spring how difficult it is to monitor on-line education and keep your mind on your work. As long as we can feel that our students and staff are safe coming here each morning we will.
This crisis will end. There will be a day when we can take off our masks and give handshakes and hugs and go out to eat and attend a concert or sporting event. We are closer to the end than the beginning. Until that time please continue to work with us, to be patient with us and to pray for us that we will all be safe and healthy. Thank you for all that you are doing and give thanks to God who never abandons us even in our darkest hours!
Jim Silcott
Principal: Jim Silcott
Asst. Principal: Anne De Leonardis
Office Manager.: Susan Gualtieri
Pastor: Father Kyle Tennant / 614-263-8824
SACC: Kyle Davis
Cafeteria: Cena Creaturo