Photo Caption: The First Christmas, brought to life by our 4th Graders.
Dear Our Lady of Peace Family:
‘Twas the week before Christmas, and all through OLP
These last crazy days were something to see;
The classrooms were decorated in garland and lights,
Chocolates and cookies were eaten in bites.
The students were full of good Christmas cheer,
The teachers were ready for a break and a beer.
Mrs. Connor in her office, Mrs. G. in her space,
Were handing out water cups all over the place.
Silcott in the morning, praying in the cold,
Was feeling his age, was feeling quite old.
Now Haninger, Sheshull, Munhall and Dansack
Were doing their best to keep students on track.
Doyle was putting on large Christmas shows,
And Thornton in Algebra had numbers in rows.
Stewart’s art room was its usual mess,
And Zeyen and Roberts were handing out tests.
Hartman and Miller and the whole seventh grade,
Along with the Kindergarten were starting to fade.
Ms. Kelley, the newbie, had 8th grade in tow
O’Brien and Bryant were drinking some Joe.
Pedro and Marmion and Johnson were cooking
And ate their own food when no one was looking.
Miss Pam, Mrs. Leonard and good ole’ Coach Kyle,
Were sure that they hadn’t a break for a while!
Magee was resplendent in bright red and green
The tutors were helpful and friendly and keen.
All heard a noise, all heard a clatter,
They looked out the window to see what was a matter.
When what to their wandering eyes should appear
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.
The teachers and students stopped dead in their tracks.
Silcott was busy and slow to react.
St. Nick himself came to the door.
He rang on the bell and rang out some more.
Mrs. G. hit the buzzer which scared old St. Nick,
But he bounded inside all happy and quick.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke, it encircled his head like a wreath.
“Now hold on Mr. Santa,” our school nurse then shouted,
“The pipe is forbidden,” and Santa Claus pouted.
“The children,” he said, “I’ve come to spread joy,
And give each little student his own little toy.”
St. Nick gave a wink and a nod of his head,
But Mrs. G. gave bad news which caused him much dread!
“Protecting God’s Children. Have you had the class?”
“Are your fingerprints current?” She questioned and asked.
“Have you ever had COVID?” Mrs. Connor piped in
“Are you wearing a mask on that white bearded chin?”
Santa was puzzled, surprised and chagrined,
He was quiet and humble and sheepish and grinned.
“I go all over the world with my reindeer and sleigh
I have lots of great toys for the children to play.”
Mrs. G. called out Silcott to get his reaction
But Silcott was downstairs teaching his Latin.
The principal finally came to the door
And asked Dear ole’ Santa one question more.
“You’re here for the kids, I understand that,
But do you have anything for me in your sack?”
He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
And pulled out a star, and then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his chin,
He went out the front door the way he came in.
“What can it mean?” Silcott asked Mrs. G.
She replied to the man, “Look carefully.”
Inside the star was the single word “hope.”
Silcott smiled. He felt like a dope.
Of course Santa is right and his message is clear,
Christmas means clearly that Jesus is here.
On Christmas morning he was born in the hay,
He is now with St. Nick, his reindeer and sleigh.
Santa goes round passing out toys,
While the good Lord Himself brings everyone joy.
Now Santa Claus comes only one time a year
With his miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer.
But Jesus our Lord, born on that day,
Is with us in hope on each single day.
His presence is really the best present by far,
Jesus is Hope, He is our North Star.
So Say “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,”
But celebrate Jesus the entire whole year!
See you in 2022!
Jim Silcott
Principal: Jim Silcott
Asst. Principal: Anne De Leonardis
Office Manager.: Susan Gualtieri
Pastor: Father Kyle Tennant / 614-263-8824
SACC: Kyle Davis
Cafeteria: Cena Creaturo