Photo Caption: Welcome to Ms. Kristin Miller and Ms. Caitlyn Kelley!
Dear Our Lady of Peace Family:
We are very excited to begin the 2021-2022 school year. I want to take this opportunity to highlight some of the new changes taking place for the school year.
-Spanish: Spanish will be taught live Monday-Thursday first period to the sixth grade (Mass is at that time on Fridays.). The class will be virtual but live and the sixth grade will be divided into two classes for more individualized instruction. This is a full board class with tests and grades and the hope is that our sixth graders will be able to continue with it through eighth grade and be ready for high school Spanish II.
-Latin: Seventh graders who are motivated and interested will be taking Latin four afternoons a week with a new book that is more intuitive based and increases students Latin vocabulary to a great degree. This will also be a graded class for those who choose to take it and, again, the hope is that students will be able to continue the class in 8th grade.
-Additional Tutors: We hope to have additional tutors in place through a federal grant in time for the start of the year. We have asked for a full-time math tutor, and an all-purpose tutor. In addition we will have Mrs. McNaughten back and a Title I Reading tutor for those who qualify.
-Support Staff: Mr. Mike Norling, our school psychologist, is returning this year for testing and counseling. We will continue to have speech and we are hoping, again through our federal grant, to have a social worker once a week to assist families and students.
Primary Grades: Grades 1-3 are having language arts and math at the same time most mornings to allow for some ability grouping within the grades, allowing students to accelerate as well as remediate.
Grades 4 & 5 Writing Workshop: Ms. Nicole D’Orazio will be teaching additional writing twice a week each to both 4th and 5th grade in order to strengthen the writing skills of our intermediate students.
Writing Rubrics: Grades 4-8 will be using grade appropriate similar writing rubrics to assess student writing and get all of our students used to the same formats as well as similar opportunities for correction, revision and feedback.
Capstone Quarterly Progress Reports: This year each subject in middle school will be assessed with a capstone test, paper or project, similar in nature to a quarterly exam for final project. These will be graded “the old fashioned way (letter grade or number grade). These grades will be put on an old fashioned, hand delivered progress report card along with a G.P.A average to give students and their parents additional information on how they are doing academically. Honor Roll will be tied to these grades for the upcoming school year.
8th Grade Trip- We are planning an 8th grade trip this year, date and destination to be determined.
The Arts Return- Students will be going to the music and art rooms this year once again (Covid cleaning protocols in place). We plan on having a Christmas show featuring the 4th grade and a spring musical featuring our 7th and 8th grades. As of this writing, I have no word about band but will keep you posted.
Ga-Ga Pit: The ga-ga pit is being rebuilt if not in time for the first day of school then shortly thereafter!!
With new teachers, new programs, traditions returning and a wonderful group of students, teachers, staff and parents we are going to have a wonderful school year!!
I hope to see you all on Sunday!
Jim Silcott
Principal: Jim Silcott
Asst. Principal: Anne De Leonardis
Office Manager.: Susan Gualtieri
Pastor: Father Kyle Tennant / 614-263-8824
SACC: Kyle Davis
Cafeteria: Cena Creaturo